To approach the question 'how', 'when' and 'where' the Bangla 'lipi' or 'barno' originated, we have to look back in the pages of history. It's called transliteration, or protibarnikaron in Bangla. Though not exactly the same, the spelling replacement of a word of a language is done with approximately close phonetic features of the alphabet of another language. When we use a word or words of a foreign language in our mother tongue, we try to depict it with the help of our own alphabet and vice versa. It will be no surprising if you ask someone to write the Bangla word 'QvZK' in English, you may get the spelling as 'chatak' (PvZK-type of a bird) instead of 'Chhatak' (i.e. Because of the differences of phonetic features of the two languages-Bangla and English-we often notice some faulty transliteration. This paper will represent the transliteration of those words which have already been used in the Bangla language.