Delete the files from the zip (the files oughta be folders called Art, Core, Levels, Shaders and a postfx preset called for example AL8.postfxpreset).That will cause the game to reload the vanilla one.Īnother easy way, if you dont want to use the launchers Clear Cache: If you want the postfx preset to be the default one you can got to your Settings folder (Documents/Beamng.drive/Settings) and delete the default postfx preset file. Either you just use the Clear Cache from the Beamng Lancher.Make sure you activated light rays, its check box is above the POST FX button.

should look something like this: 'C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\BeamNG.drive\AL5.postfxpreset', that way you also know youve extracted the folders and file correctly. Click 'Load Preset.' and look up the file that was in the AL5.zip.

Make sure you have advanced menus activated to see the POST FX button. Open Beamng, click Options from the main menu.Unzip the folders and the postfxpreset-file from the AL5.zip into your Documents/Beamng.drive-folder so that you get the folders called Art, Core, Levels, Shaders and the AL5.postfxpreset-file into your Documents/Beamng.drive-folder.That way you wont loose as much stuff as compared to the Clear Cache-option. Alternative #2 is to go to your Documents/Beamng.drive-folder and delete the latest cache-folder, at the moment its called "cache.". Open the Beamng launcher, hit Support Tools, Clear your cache.Install example, instructions in each release: Adjusted the PostFx values to suit the above stuff to my liking.Changed code and values for part of the tonemapping, making the black/white/color balance abit more aggressive when the balance is uneven between them.Changed colors for the sun color gradient throughout time of day to make light at morning and evening brighter without midday being overblown bright, also changed the color to my liking.Increased Brightness for each level (makes the specular, normal, bump maps crispier, for example the tarmac on Small island) which allows brighter skies and light at morning/evening.ALWAYS CHECK MY LATEST POSTS FOR THE LATEST RELEASE BUT ITS NOW AND YOU FIND IT HERE: